Importance of Cloud Backup

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Digital data has become the most vital part of our lives. Data loss can happen at any moment, at any scale. It is important to secure all of the information and data.

Businesses are increasingly using IT services and it is essential to use a cloud backup that will keep your data safe and protected.  Cloud backup is an easy procedure of backing-up your data over the cloud based servers. Without a safeguard, the company can lose valuable data through a natural disaster or malicious software. 

Here are some important when using cloud backup in the organization:

1. Realibility

The use of a cloud backup offers the best protection available and is much more reliable than other backup data and recovery services. By backing up to the cloud, the data is providing with protection from types of data loss including those caused by natural disasters, human error, or ransomware. Therefore in case of such events at your office you can be assured of protection of your data.

2. Flexibility

Cloud backup includes features such as data syncing, data mirroring, instant restore, and more that are unlikely traditional data backup method. Cloud service providers always up to date with all the technological advancements due to increasing competition in the market. Customer also can access to their data anytime and anywhere, as long as there is access to the internet, through computer or smartphone apps.

3. Affordable

Cloud backup services provide a low cost solution for file protection. You will have number of different options with cloud data backup like monthly and annual price plans that make it more scalable and cost effective solution. As customer it is important to use a solution that makes sense and avoid to incur a capital expenditure.

4. Security & Compliance

Cloud backup services provider ensures the protection of your data, so you no need to worry about the quality of your data. By using cloud backup, each file encrypted before they are transmitted to an offsite data center. Encryption provides increased data security, so that data copied to multiple locations does not experience an increased likelihood of being compromised. It is much easier for you to comply with all such data security standards because the cloud service provider is following the information security standard.

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In Narrowcloud Solution, we have provided the best backup solution for better prices for our customers. Below is package of our cloud backup products and services. 

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Visit our website or click the button below to look more about our products and services we provided.

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Zafri Samad

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